Saturday, 24 January 2015

Day 3

Faculty : Janki Mam

First question from mam was "Why all of us are here ?" And after the discussion with class all of us were agreed that "we all are here for money". Next question was like "What is the value of GMCS ?"

Within these 15 days you must develop 15 new skills. Even if you can't get skills you should get idea that these skill are those which I want in my future and can give effort to achieve it. You must have skills to be a distinct person among the crowd.

Difference between game and activity 

Game is only for fun but activity is for some conclusion.

To crack any interview you should be a combo pack to get market advantage 
 In combo pack you should have followings
  - Theoretical knowledge 
  - Soft skills
  - Practical knowledge 

After becoming a CA just be like that kind of a CA which was your expectation while you were in search of your articleship. 

After this discussion turned towards the main topic : Negotiation skill

Negotiation can't be made without knowing other party's identity. 
Negotiation and burgeoning is different things.
Negotiation is for the amt terms , conditions , needs or environments.

First Task of the day

 After all this discussion a task had been given to all with sheet of paper with list of 24 interests and we have to find the 24 persons and take the sign in that interest box who had same interest but to win the task we all were signing without seeing in which box we are signing. That was a golden opportunity to get the idea of others interest. So because of hurrying the main objective was not fulfilled.

Second task of the day

We were in a group of 5 members and every group had been given 5 different things and we have to collect a series any one thing out of that 5 different things from the other group with the help of negotiations. This task is for the improvement of our negotiations skills.

Third task of the day

We were in a group of 5 members and each group was given a newspaper, sheet of paper, gum stick, sketch pen & scissors . With the help of these things we had to make an objects which are used in office. My group made a clock, an attendance register, a name plate and a pen stand. That was a task with full of creativity.

After this, winner group was awarded by the best thing made by us.

Fourth task of the day 

Group activity
We had to give a movie review with the concept of conflict management. 
My group choose 3 Idiots.
I played chatur's role.
Really funny it was for me.

Finally third day ended with full of activity. A good day and learning with activities.

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